Party EZCash Speeds Play, Enables Multi-Table Capabilities

Many in the online world treat poker as a recreational device. They will play on occasion and, most of the time, only at one table. For those who look at the online game as more of a supplement to or perhaps their main source of income, they have to maximize the number of tables they play as well as optimize their actions. Some of the top online sites have software programs that enable players to do just that.
PokerStars, the main program has been
PokerStars Manager. This program allows its users to be able to prioritize tables, automatically enter bet sizes, and compile accurate information for the time they are seated at a table. For
PartyPoker players, there is a new program available that will accomplish the same tasks,
Party EZCash.
Party EZCash is a tool in that it automates many of the procedures that demand a player's attention. From the initial start up, it will automatically buy into a cash game for a pre-set amount and will reload back up to that amount whenever you dictate that it should do so. Party EZCash can also automatically determine when to start playing at the table (normally when the big blind comes around to you) and can also take you off of a table when you designate.
Party EZCash is best when used as a betting assistant and notification system. Through the usage of hotkeys that are programmed into it, Party EZCash can automatically make bets in several different percentages and can be programmed to make certain bet sizes on each individual street of the game. Another noteworthy feature is that Party EZCash also lays out your pot odds on each street during a hand, giving more information to a player as to whether continuing is a correct play or not.
Party EZCash's table management is also very well done. With this feature, players will be notified that a particular table requires attention and a player can zip right to it. The software can also take you off of a table automatically when it's programmed to do so. This is an excellent time saver, especially for a player who is active on multiple tables and looking to find a more profitable game to play.
There are some drawbacks to using the Party EZCash software, however. With the recent changeover to the new PartyPoker software, it's important to note that Party EZCash interacts differently in some areas. Several actions will be put into effect on all of the tables you are playing instead of just the table that you want that action on. The learning curve to adjust to the new layout and its interaction with Party EZCash can be a bit steep.
As always with any poker software, there is a distinct possibility that a player will use the software to the neglect of their own poker skills in the game. These players almost become robotic in their actions in that they will forgo using their own skills and instead rely too much on the information that is given to them. When using Party EZCash, you must still play the game and take the information provided as a guide rather than a mandate.
All in all, however, the Party EZCash software will be a valuable assistant for those who play regularly at PartyPoker. For those who are attempting to maximize their time at the tables and increase their potential winnings, it is a tool that is best utilized for multi-table players to do just that. With Party EZCash, online poker players have another bullet in their poker guns to go to battle with.
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