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On July 19th, Thomas “Boku87” Boekhoff, a 22 year-old from Weener, Germany, set out on a quest to turn $5 in $100,000 in just 12 months while playing exclusively on PokerStars. Just a few months ago, Boekhoff breezed through a prop bet to turn $100 into $10,000 in 15 days while playing no higher than $16 sit and gos. Admittedly, the new challenge will be more difficult than the $10,000 prop bet. The amount of volume required to conquer such a feat is very high, so Boekhoff routinely plays more than 40 tables for five to seven hours per day. We sat down with Boekhoff to see how the ultimate multi-tabler pulls it all off. We wanted to find out what software, hardware, and any other tricks he uses to play such high volume successfully.
Boekhoff: I don’t really have a schedule, but I like how it’s going so far. How did you get started playing mutli-table sit and gos?
Boekhoff: I started off as a Fixed Limit cash game player and then later switched to single-table tournaments. I eventually started mixing in some multi-table sit and gos in July of 2007 and completely switched to them in January of 2008. We see many questions across the various online poker forums about your setup. Could you tell us a little about that?
Boekhoff: I use an Intel quad core processor with a 24-inch monitor. Wow. We assumed you had a multi-monitor setup. How do you lay out your tables?
Boekhoff: I am stacking them. It’s just one big pile of tables. Do you use any kind of tracking and analysis software while you play?
Boekhoff: No. The only thing I use is SharkScope to track my ROI at various limits. Do you use AutoHotKey (AHK) of some other software to help you register?
Boekhoff: I registered manually until June of this year. Since then, I have used TableNinja for faster registration. With so many tables going, do you ever have timeout issues?
Boekhoff: It wasn’t a major issue in the past, but now that I have TableNinja, it isn’t an issue at all. I can see how the auto-click “I’m Back,” auto-click time bank, auto-registration, and pop-up killer can be huge assets when playing so many tables.
Boekhoff: It definitely helps. It has everything I need. How do you like the synchronized breaks?
Boekhoff: I actually like them because it doesn't really affect your volume and it gives you some time to relax. I notice you play a mix of buy-in amounts during your sessions. Is there a method to the mix you play?
Boekhoff: Nah. I just open up everything $27+ right now that has multiple tables. That’s usually about eight or so different buy-ins. Do you try to keep a certain number of tables open at all times or do you play in sets?
Boekhoff: I always try to have about 40 tables open and play one continuous session for about five to seven hours. Has TableNinja helped you with that?
Boekhoff: TableNinja has helped with several things, but my computer can’t handle 50+ tables and TableNinja running at the same time. I used to play 50 tables or more, but I am playing 40 now. It seems like with all of the software, strategy, and coaching available, single-table tournaments have more “specialists” than in multi-table sit and gos. Poker software has had a big hand in helping players improve by providing ways to analyze and study the game. Do you agree with that?
Boekhoff: Yes. There are way too many regulars in the STTs these days. Do you feel like your edge is bigger in MTT sit and gos than in STTs?
Boekhoff: I just suck at STTs, so I think I am better off with MTTs. Is there any advice you could give players who want to become SNG specialists like yourself?
Boekhoff: I would advise them to play cash games because sit and gos will drive you crazy sometimes!
After speaking with Boekhoff, it is clear to us that he is a true grinder. He conducted this interview while playing 40 tables, by the way. There aren’t a ton of software programs running to help out with his sessions. He uses TableNinja and SharkScope and simply puts it a significant amount of volume. TableNinja is a great tool and has everything you need for high-volume sessions. If it’s good enough for Thomas “Boku87” Boekhoff, then the product is obviously a must-have.
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