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Holdem Manager, a hand history tracking and Heads-Up Display (HUD) utility, ranks as one of the most popular programs according to our community. Its developers are continually updating and tweaking the product with notifications available on the forums. Recently, Holdem Manager released a major add-on, Leak Buster. This add-on provides a framework to help you use Holdem Manager to improve your game while at the same time analyzing your game play stats to see potential leaks.
There are eight total "steps" involved with the Leak Buster process. Step 1 is the setup, which comes with an instructional video to watch to take you through the entire process. There are two links, one for the Leak Buster forums and another for access to the Leak Buster manual. Once you've watched the movie, you'll have a solid understanding of the Leak Buster process.
Step 2 is the major section of the Leak Buster program, which for the trial users will only bring up selective stats, while registered players will see every stat category. Clicking on the "Import Stats" button will allow you to bring in stats from a particular level. Once the stats are loaded, you'll see your value matched up with an ideal range and an icon for advice if you fall below or above it. For example, let's say you play too nitty and your VPIP is below the 15% to 21% suggested range, clicking on the “Advice” icon will bring up Leak Buster Advice. This has a quick paragraph of instruction and then a call to action in the form of charts, articles, links to forums, and even training videos.
Going through each stat can really help you identify parts of your game that need working on. Many of these stat categories are ones that players rarely look at, but ideally should in a perfect world. Underrated stats such as squeeze percentage, river aggression percentage, pre-flop positional awareness, and steal stats are displayed with your numbers against suggested ranges. All of these stats are given a value, which is Leak Buster’s way of evaluating the overall leak score.
Step 3 discusses position with a video about the merits of position and how to adjust your game. Step 4 talks about trouble hands in a video and shows how to use Holdem Manager to look at your stats. Think of these steps as tutorial videos to assist you in looking over key aspects of your game that might need help. Most include a few links, two of which are always "Leak Buster Manual" and "Play in New Window," in reference to the video. Some steps, such as Step 8, have a "Read HUD Module," which opens up an article and even tells you about a special Leak Buster HUD that's set up and ready for you to import and use for yourself.
At first impression, Leak Buster is a great way for people to extend their Holdem Manager experience and acts as an interactive guide for getting the most out of the program. Given its reasonable price point, finding a few leaks and examining your game will recoup some of the money you are draining at the tables. If that happens, then Leak Buster will pay for itself as an investment.
Leak Buster is available exclusively within Holdem Manager in the most recent beta builds. If you have not updated your software, visit the Holdem Manager forums and download the latest beta build to update. There's a trial version of Leak Buster ready for you to look at and, so far, it's looking like a pretty valuable add-on to one of poker software's most popular programs.
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