Manage Multi-Monitor Setups with TransOther and MultiMonMan

Recently, we featured an AutoHotKey (AHK) script called Ghoster. Ghoster is a simple script that allows you to dim all windows except for the one that is active. If you have eight tables open at a time, seven of them will be dimmed down so that you can concentrate on the active table that requires action. The problem with the script is that it doesn’t support a multi-monitor setup. Ghoster only functions on the primary monitor. After some searching, we have a script for you that will support multiple monitors.
TransOther is a free, open-source AHK program that works like Ghoster, but supports multiple monitors and makes inactive windows transparent instead of dimming them down. This allows you to see what is behind the tables as well. If you are playing on PokerStars, for example, when a table requires action, it will pop up and automatically become active. This triggers TransOther into action and makes that table active while making the others transparent. You can also click any table manually to make it active:

Let’s take a look at how to get started with the TransOther script:
1) Get a copy of TransOther.
2) Copy and save the script into a new .ahk file, save, and close the file
3) Double click the AHK icon you just created and you are up and running. The script doesn’t require any customization. It is ready to go out of the box.
Another great script that allows you to manage a multi-monitor setup is MultiMonMan. This is an AHK script that allows you to view, watch, and control multiple monitors. It will allow you to keep an eye on the scene on your other monitors from your primary monitor. If you are a Windows Vista user, you already have something similar built into the operating system, so you already know how useful managing multiple monitors from one central location can be:

Now, let’s set up the MultiMonMan script:
1) Get a copy of MultiMonMan.
2) Copy and save the script into a new .ahk file, save, and close the file
3) Double click the icon and MultiMonMan will launch
These are two very simple scripts that do not require any customization at all. Just load the scripts and watch them work. Having scripts to help you with things not directly related to what is going on at the tables can be just as helpful as scripts that help us with our play directly. Give these scripts a shot. They are free, easy to use, and just may be a big help.
As always, if you have questions, problems, or any other concerns, please make a post in the AHK forum and we will be there to help.
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Member Comments
wieth's Comment
2011-09-15 16:57:50
Roy Tal's Comment
2012-09-08 06:01:22
You can also have a look at this software :
It will allow you to Monitor all screens attached to your PC, Control each of those screens and transfer applications easily between those screens.
You are welcome to download and test this nice software.