What's in Your HUD with Daniel Charlton (Judgedredd13)

Liverpool, England’s
Daniel "Judgedredd13" Charlton started off 2015 with a bang by winning the
PokerStars Super Tuesday on January 6 for almost $93,000. He credits poker software as one of the keys to his success on the virtual poker felts.
PokerSoftware: What poker-related software do you use while playing or as study tools?
Daniel Charlton: I am currently using
PokerTracker 4 as my
HUD. I don't really use any other poker software apart from that. I also work on my game by watching a ton of videos and discussing a lot of strategy with friends. However, I never really used
Flopzilla or any similar types of post-game analysis programs unless I am studying with a group and someone else brings them up.
PokerSoftware: How long have you been using PokerTracker and how important is the software to you while playing?
Daniel Charlton: I have been using PokerTracker 4 for a little over a year. And, yes it is pretty important; I hate playing without my HUD. As I play exclusively tournaments, it is not quite as important as cash games, but it has definitely given me strong reads on most of the regs in the mid- and high-stakes games.
PokerSoftware: Congrats on winning the Super Tuesday earlier in the month! Can you think of any spots your HUD helped you during this tournament?
Daniel Charlton: Thanks, well there were definitely a ton of spots in which it was important. It has become such a vital part of the game, in my opinion. For example, I use my HUD to know when to 3bet opponents opening too many pots and how to adjust my play against opponents who like to barrel off, etc. Basically, the software influences most of the decisions I make, so it is pretty hard to pinpoint how the HUD helped me in this tournament to one point.
PokerSoftware: What site do you currently watch training videos on and who are your favorite instructors?
Daniel Charlton: I watch poker videos on RunItOnce. One of my first mates in the poker world a long time ago was Paul Senter, so I'm obviously biased, but I think his videos are really good. He doesn't spend too much time talking over the same point and gets a lot of good content in there. I try to watch all of the videos from all of the instructors and am pretty friendly with a few of them. On a whole, think all of the RunItOnce instructors are decent.
PokerSoftware: Have you tried other poker training sites in the past?
Daniel Charlton: Back in the day, I was probably on all of them. However, at the moment, I am just watching training videos on RunItOnce. I am also in a ton of group chats with a lot of the players I respect the most, so I kind of ping my hand histories to them if I messed up. Therefore, I do not watch as many videos as I used to since I have real-time access to discuss a hand or situation with many great poker players.
PokerSoftware: Have you tried mobile poker?
Daniel Charlton: Like many poker players, I have tried mobile poker, but I feel it is not a good idea if you are trying to make money. As far as I know you, on a mobile device you can't run HUDs, the battery life and internet connection are often dodgy, and you have to play way fewer tables. Also, mobile poker is a lot more awkward to operate in general, with the lobby also being awkward to navigate. Sure, it is fine to play a few hands of cash poker if you are bored on the train or in a similar situation, but playing on a mobile device isn't anything I'd seriously consider doing in the long-term.
PokerSoftware: Is there anything else you would like to share with the poker community?
Daniel Charlton: I'd like to thank the guys who invested in me, especially
bigbluffzinc for sticking me in his stable and everyone else who supported me. Also, I have recently started poker coaching, but am still ironing out the terms. If you are interested in poker coaching, please contact me on PocketFives under Judgedredd13.
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