Hold'em Manager Forums Buzzing Over HM3
If you are currently using
Hold'em Manager 2 or are thinking about giving the
poker tracking and analysis software a try, you should consider checking out the dedicated forums where the latest news is released and many new and experienced users are given an opportunity to get their questions answered by the expert staff at the company.
For example, did you know that
Hold'em Manager 3 is on the radar to be developed and released? Tech Support Manager "Morny" recently asked in a thread for anyone interested in giving feedback on concepts and mock-ups for the yet-to-be-developed software to email support@holdemmanager.com with "HM3 Feedback" as the subject line and in the message to include their IP address. This is a great chance to have your thoughts and ideas considered by the
Hold'em Manager development team.
The forums are perhaps the best resource if you are having performance issues with any aspect of
Hold'em Manager 2. In many cases, your questions might have already been asked and answered in the forums; in other cases, you can post about a new issue and know you will receive the proper attention it deserves.
Recently, a
Hold'em Manager 2 user who refers to himself as "professorpain" was experiencing issues with his HUD not working properly while playing Zoom Poker on
PokerStars. He also had issues with his HUD not showing stats until he was dealt in a hand on regular tables.
Hold'em Manager 2 user, "Loki," pointed out that this is a problem other users are experiencing in other threads before HM Support's "fozzy71" let the user know that they are trying to test and duplicate the issue to help developers fix the problem. While the problem is still being worked on, it shows how easy it is to get dedicated support just by posting your issue on the forums.
My personal favorite section on the
Hold'em Manager forums, is the "
Share your HM2 HUD Configurations" sub-forum. Recently, a user made a thread sharing a three-part video with 1.5 hours of play time showing how he set up his
HUD from scratch. This can prove not only useful to new users of the software, but also experienced users who are considering a new HUD setup.
There are additional sub-forums to share pop-up configurations, report filters, auto-rate configurations, and
Table Scanner scoring profiles.
We imagine if you are reading this article, you are comfortable reading and asking questions in English. However, just in case you are more comfortable chatting in other languages, you will be pleased to know that there are dedicated sub-forums in German and Russian.
There are also dedicated sub-forums for
Table Ninja 1,
Table Ninja 2, Hold'em Vision,
Leak Buster, Table Scanner,
SitNGo Wizard, and
NoteCaddy. These are all programs that are compatible with Hold'em Manager.
Last but not least, there is also a sub-forum called "HM Cloud General Support" for anyone using the cloud-based version of Hold'em Manager. As this is run on a completely different platform, different issues are bound to come up. Therefore, if you are using this product, you have a place to see what issues have come up from other users and ask questions of your own.
So whether you use
Hold'em Manager 2 or are considering to do so, you should think about checking out all the useful resources and information available to you in the
Hold'em Manager forums today.
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