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If you have never used a
HUD while playing online poker before, you are definitely missing out. A HUD gives you more information about your opponents than you can possibly gain on just observation and it is also an important tool for multi-tabling. If you haven't used a HUD before, I recommend you consider checking out the one included with
PokerTableStats. First, let me tell you a little story.
One of my friends, who happens to be a great live poker player but stumbles somewhat online, told me the other day that he doesn't use a HUD because he feels he doesn't need it when playing live, so why wouldn't he need it while playing online?
I pointed out to my friend that you should use all of the tools at your disposal. Besides, what is the point of comparing online poker to live poker when you can't multi-table while playing live?
My friend understood this point, but then said he isn't very technically inclined and felt intimidated before even downloading any poker tracking software. I told my friend that the first time you use a HUD, it can be intimidating. However, that doesn't have to be the case.
I then proceeded to tell my friend about the HUD at PokerTableStats. The HUD is not only very easy to set up, but also just as easy to use. I added it is a great starter HUD that you may never outgrow, but if you wanted to eventually have more complex information, you will have first learned from a HUD that is both simple and effective.
While it is true that the HUD is simple, it doesn't mean it isn't powerful. The HUD includes all pf the most important stats you need broken down by different streets. Additionally, the HUD will break down for you the blind stealing frequency of your opponent by position as well as how often they fold to a blind steal by position.
Another thing I didn't point out to my friend about PokerTableStats, but is important to point out to you, is that the software actually isn't primarily designed to be a HUD; this is just an add-on that can be good for both new and experienced poker players who can benefit from a simplistic and powerful HUD.
The software actually is an in-game
poker odds calculator, which is perfect for any new or intermediate player looking to get a better grasp of the math behind the game.
Whether you are a new player who can benefit from a poker odds calculator and HUD or an experienced player who could benefit from a HUD that isn't intimidating, check out PokerTableStats.
You can
test the software for free for five days to see if you like it. If you do, it costs $7.99 per month for plans that include the HUD or $5.99 for plans that only include the poker odds calculator. The amount you will be spending is a fraction of the big benefits you should receive by using this software.
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MMM's Comment
2017-01-13 15:21:26