Top Live Poker Apps

I just spent a week covering poker players at a World Series of Poker Circuit Event and spoke to a few ring game and tournament players about the apps I saw them using in action while playing. While at PokerSoftware we tend to focus on apps that support online poker, we understand many of you also play live and might not be aware of these apps. Also, with the excitement generated this past week with the WSOP Main Event final table playing out, we thought it would be a good time to share with you some of the best apps out there on the market to help track your live games.
There are many reasons you should consider downloading an app to your smartphone or tablet. They can help you track your games to see what you are doing well at and what games you should potentially avoid, you can see how you are doing over time, and these apps can prove to be indispensable come time to report your income to tax authorities.
Without further delay, here are our top three apps for live poker tracking.
This is a relatively new app, but in our opinion sometimes the newest on the block might be the best because it is built with the latest technology from the ground up instead of trying to improve on an app already on the market. The interface is by far the best we have seen and also was the easiest to use in our testing. Also, if you like flexible, this might be the best app for you to check out for live poker considering it gives you the ability to drill down into 160 different stats and supports 160 currencies while automatically converting into your preferred currency.
Interactive graphs, a flexible tag system, and a top-notch filtering system are just some of the great features if this app. The only two downside we can think of is the app is currently only available for iOS devices and it comes with a high price tag of $17.99, which is much larger than the other apps on our list.
Poker Income
This is the first live poker app I ever used and it has always suited my needs. It is available on just about any smartphone and tablet device including iOS, Androids, and Windows Phone. The interface isn't as smooth as the RunGood app; however, it does provide you with the ability to track just about anything you can think of including expenses and tips.
Filters are also easy to use and you can easily find out using this app what games you are doing well at or even what days of the week you are performing better during. It is hard to go wrong with this app and it comes with a bit of a cheaper price tag at $9.99. Additionally, there is a free version of the app dubbed Poker Journal Ultimate.
Poker Track
The Pro version of this app is one of the best available on the market. While the graphics are crude, don't let that fool you, as it includes most of the major features of the other two apps including a GPS locator, game timers, extensive filters, and informative graphs and reports. One cool feature that is included in this app is an odds calculator.
This app will set you back the same price as Poker Income at $9.99 and it is a matter of personal preference as to which one to choose. I prefer Poker Income since I was using it for so long, but after speaking to people that use Poker Track, you will likely be happy using this app as well. Like the other two apps mentioned, there is a free version of the app called Poker Track Lite.
When doing our research for this article, we were disappointed to learn the Poker Journal is no longer being sold in the iTunes Store. The Light version is still available for free, but doesn't work on the most up-to-date operation systems. This was one of the first live poker tracking apps to hit the marketplace and was similar in functionality to Poker Journal.
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